Board of Directors
Oscar Wahlström

Board member since 2020 and Chairman of the Board from 2024.
Born 1991.
Education Bachelor of Arts, Economics, New York University; Bachelor of Arts, Mathematics, New York University; Master of Arts, Economics, Brown University; Ph. D. Economics, focused on econometrics, statistics, and information theory, Brown University.
Work experience Equity research analyst at Pareto Securities, research assistant at NYU and Brown. He currently works in building and property development for AB Hvalfisken, where he is also deputy board member. Currently, Oscar works mainly with zoning, location tests, commercial and residential leasing operations, and other land development.
Other current positions Board deputy at AB Hvalfisken and board member in AB Hvalfisken subsidiaries.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders No.
Holdings 102,162.
Mikael Gerhardsson

Board member since 2024.
Born 1953.
Education Degree in engineering.
Work experience Business development consultant through Capex AB with Kilenkrysset as main client.
Other current positions CEO and Board member in Norsholm Markutveckling AB, Board member in Flens Bil och Järnaktiebolag and in Lurudden Fastighetskonsult AB.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders No.
Holdings 11,000 shares.
Nicole Haman

Board member since 2021.
Born 1975.
Education Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Ottawa and IHM Business School.
Work experience 20+ years of experience in multi-channel-, online-, e-business, digital- and advertising-PR strategy in the communications industry. Works for the international division of RTL Group together with a team active in over 12 countries.
Other current positions None.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders Yes.
Holdings 0.
Sven Jemsten

Board member since 2024.
Born 1963.
Education MBA Duke University, USA.
Work experience One of the founders of Train Alliance with over 30 years of experience as an investor focused on public companies and properties. 14 years of experience in finance.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders No.
Holdings 4,486,000 shares privately and through companies.
Otto Persson

Board member since 2009 and Chairman of the Board from 2019.
Born 1971.
Education Master’s degree in economics from Kristianstad University.
Work experience CFO BE Group. He is one of the founders of Train Alliance and was managing director of the Company from 2009 to 2018.
Other current positions Board member in several companies within Train Alliance as well as board member and deputy in a number of companies within Hylbo Farm AB.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders No.
Holdings 3,900,000 shares held privately and through companies.
Stephan Roth

Board member since 2024.
Born 1976.
Education Degree from Stockholm School of Economics.
Work experience Investor and strategic advisor, among others with Societe Generale as Derivatives Proprietary trader in Paris and New York.
Other current positions Board member in Enequi AB, Polar Energy Boden Holding AB and Polar Energy Boden AB and Board deputy in Polar EV Charge & Storage AB and RIJD Interior AB.
Independent to the Company and its senior executives Yes.
Independent in relation to major shareholders No.
Holdings 0.