Land & Property

Land & Property

We create the conditions for railway-ready land

A key element of the group’s operations concerns the ownership, management and improvement of the strategic land assets owned by the company. Train Alliance’s business is about preparing and getting land assets ready for railway operations.

In order to make the land railway-ready, Train Alliance creates the conditions, including applying for all the permits required to establish side-system railway operations. In addition to the approved zoning plan, establishing a connection to the Swedish Transport Administration’s main system must also be possible. The process of making land railway-ready is time-consuming and complex. Improvement work is not visible in the income statement until a sale has been made or construction has begun.

The land holdings in Hallsberg and Sigtuna have been railway-ready since 2019 and 2022 respectively, with a total of just over one million square meters of land for railway-related purposes with connection to the Swedish Transport Administration’s main system, with zoning plans specified for railway operations. In addition, Train Alliance is creating a national network for locomotive and freight car maintenance and has secured railway-ready locations and land also in Malmö, Gothenburg, Borlänge, and Luleå/Boden.

Train Alliance continuously seeks out land areas that may be of interest to customers. The planning process takes into account a number of unique factors that make the land suitable for railway purposes. Early in the process, the railway’s circulation, traffic forecasts, upcoming rolling stock acquisitions, current workshop structures and their operational capability are studied. The methodology has resulted in an internal database that is used to support the decision-making process.



The figures refer to 22 February 2024.

The fast track to railway-ready land: 
1.Identification of a land area. Ongoing evaluation of the land. No connection to railway and no zoning plan in force. In other words, land that is not railway ready.
2. Early zoning application in process. Parts of the zoning process are ready. Relevant dialogues with different target groups.
3.Permits such as zoning plan, zoning process and connection to the railway are being processed and close to being approved. Customer demand is identified but low due to incomplete permits. It will take an estimated two years for the land to be railway ready.
4.Land improvements completed. The land is ready for establishment. Significant value appreciation on land holdings.
The fast track to railway-ready land: 
1.Identification of a land area. Ongoing evaluation of the land. No connection to railway and no zoning plan in force. In other words, land that is not railway ready.
2. Early zoning application in process. Parts of the zoning process are ready. Relevant dialogues with different target groups.
3.Permits such as zoning plan, zoning process and connection to the railway are being processed and close to being approved. Customer demand is identified but low due to incomplete permits. It will take an estimated two years for the land to be railway ready.
4.Land improvements completed. The land is ready for establishment. Significant value appreciation on land holdings.



Train Alliance owns roughly 300,000 sqm of land in Sigtuna, with railway connections in both the north and south. The area is part of the Stockholm Nord railway centre, an ambitious logistics initiative and an inter-connected network comprising approximately 500,000 sqm of track-connected land for the establishment of various logistics services. The area is already an important logistics hub for several public and private actors.


Train Alliance owns roughly 900,000 sqm of land in Hallsberg, Rala. The area is zoned for railway purposes and constitutes prime development land for railway-related purposes.

National network

Hallsberg and Sigtuna are stations in the trans-European transport network, TEN-T. The TEN-T network is linked to a number of EU projects, including Shift2Rail, which aims to expand the railway infrastructure in Europe in order to connect the regions.

Train Alliance as an investment

Train Alliance sees unique value creation opportunities in the 2020s.